Do you know, 90% of the information transmitted and absorbed to the brain is visual? Yes, flooding the brain with a truckload of text may not serve the purpose as effectively as an infographic image can, whether it is stats, any kind of data derived from somewhere or any kind of information. An infographic is a better way to convey information or communicate the message as it is more capable of grabbing the attention and generating engagements, thereby letting the user perceive and understand better and quickly.

This is the reason, an infographic is shared much more than a piece of textual content, and this makes it rank much higher on search engines as well.

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An Infographic is a Magic of Text & Graphics!

So, what makes an infographic so appealing? Well, it is no hidden fact that when the complex piece of information or data is synthesized into smaller parts, it becomes more digestible. The team of designers, illustrators and digital marketers does that only. They simplify the complex information and present it in the mixed form of texts and graphics.

Such an information stays in the brain for longer time. So an infographic becomes an asset for a company as it drives value for both

Statistical data presented in better way!

Any kind of information overload may get rejected by the brain, owing to its tendency to confuse it and failing to draw conclusion. That’s where an infographic helps!

An infographic makes the statistical data or information look for sensible. It makes the statistics speak for themselves with visual appeal and better understanding. The information is transmitted with better clarity, while the eyes scan through it and the brain perceives and processes the information.


Today, the audience, brands and digital marketers likewise, love infographics more than any other type of print collateral. More and more businesses are opting for infographic design services now, owing to the benefits they leverage. No matter, how well an article may be written, it fails to draw as much attention as an infographic, as the latter comes with numerous benefits that include:

  • Increased Traffic
  • Link Building
  • Reader Retention
  • More Authoritativeness


Today, the audience, brands and digital marketers likewise, love infographics more than any other type of print collateral. More and more businesses are opting for infographic design services now, owing to the benefits they leverage. No matter, how well an article may be written, it fails to draw as much attention as an infographic, as the latter comes with numerous benefits that include:

  • Increased Traffic
  • Link Building
  • Reader Retention
  • More Authoritativeness


Are you looking to create a content that is well perceived by the wider audience, and referred to, again in future? Let’s set the right goal and develop a piece of content that stays evergreen in terms of people’s memory as well Google’s. Let’s create an infographic that not only boosts the SEO of that web page, but can also be used in ebooks, emailers, etc. The team of infographic designers at Seven Magnets follows the right approach to create smartest infographics, that considers aspects such as:
  • High-Quality Design
  • Digital Outreach
  • SEO Optimization
  • Exceptional Designing with SEO Expertise
  • Keyword and Title Selection


Every organization has a different brand story, owing to different objectives, resources, industries, circumstances, and lot more. Certainly, it should be presented in unique ways too. An infographic enables the designer to present different information in so many numerous ways, that every design looks different with novelty. At Seven Magnets, we present various forms of information and concepts in many unique ways, and for that we first have to simplify the complex information, present it in digestible form, for various benefits such as:

  • Increased Attention-Pull
  • More Engagements
  • Perceivable Information
  • Better Understanding
  • More Convincing
  • Value Addition


Every organization has a different brand story, owing to different objectives, resources, industries, circumstances, and lot more. Certainly, it should be presented in unique ways too. An infographic enables the designer to present different information in so many numerous ways, that every design looks different with novelty. At Seven Magnets, we present various forms of information and concepts in many unique ways, and for that we first have to simplify the complex information, present it in digestible form, for various benefits such as:

  • Increased Attention-Pull
  • More Engagements
  • Perceivable Information
  • Better Understanding
  • More Convincing
  • Value Addition
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At Seven Magnets, you will have a team of highly skilled and creative designers, who would understand your requirements first, and then would create the best possible custom infographic designs wherein the information would be fit-in such that, it is perceived by the people, the right way. These infographics are created to present every detail about the information with an intent to serve the SEO needs as well. With unique ideas and concepts, we design innovative infographics that reflect the brand message and values perfectly. An infographic does the following:

  • Simplify the Information
  • Convey Brand Message
  • Aid Brand Marketing
  • Spread Brand Awareness
  • More User Attention & Retention
  • Multiple Usability


At Seven Magnets, you will have a team of highly skilled and creative designers, who would understand your requirements first, and then would create the best possible custom infographic designs wherein the information would be fit-in such that, it is perceived by the people, the right way. These infographics are created to present every detail about the information with an intent to serve the SEO needs as well. With unique ideas and concepts, we design innovative infographics that reflect the brand message and values perfectly. An infographic does the following:

  • Simplify the Information
  • Convey Brand Message
  • Aid Brand Marketing
  • Spread Brand Awareness
  • More User Attention & Retention
  • Multiple Usability

Our infographic designing process

The first step towards our infographic designing process is understanding the topic and requirement, and this is done by making ample research for collecting information and deriving data. Then follow the consolidation of all this data, choosing or designing the template, reviewing and finally publishing. Well, what can explain the process better than an infographic itself!

Our infographic designing process

The first step towards our infographic designing process is understanding the topic and requirement, and this is done by making ample research for collecting information and deriving data. Then follow the consolidation of all this data, choosing or designing the template, reviewing and finally publishing. Well, what can explain the process better than an infographic itself!

Do You Want To Create Impactful Infographics?
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